Education Programs
Nebraska Game and Parks offers a variety of science-based curriculum programs for educators.

Project Wild
Project WILD provides interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education curriculum and materials that focus on wildlife. Free workshops provide educators with curriculum guides, training and other resources.

Project Beak
Project Beak is an interactive, web-based curriculum that contains scientifically accurate information about avian conservation, avian form, function and other adaptations that help birds survive, Nebraska’s unique avian biodiversity, Nebraska’s threatened and endangered birds, plus video clips, interactive games, quizzes and diagrams, additional resources and links, and classroom lesson plans.

Trout in the Classroom
Trout in the Classroom is an interdisciplinary, science-based program that invites classrooms and schools to explore aquatic ecosystems, life cycles, water quality and the scientific process through raising trout eggs in their classroom.

Bird Banding
Through a long-standing partnership with the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is able to provide K-12 classrooms with the opportunity to visit and learn at a scientific bird banding station.

Nebraska Archery in Schools
The National Archery in the Schools Program meets state and national education standards for 4th-12th grade. Each year more than 30,000 Nebraska students participate in a NASP course in their math, history or physical education class.

Fishing in Nebraska Schools
Fishing in Schools, or FiNS, is a curriculum program focused on basic fishing skills and an appreciation for the sport of angling. Designed for grades 4-12, FiNS provides schools with teacher training, equipment, materials and activities.
Educator resources
Nebraska Game and Parks offers a variety of resources for educators and communities wanting to grow their love and understanding of Nebraska’s natural resources.
Education events
Our education team regularly hosts events designed to engage the public and increase the greater understanding of Nebraska’s fish, wildlife and natural resources.