The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is a state agency dedicated to conserving Nebraska’s natural resources, state parks and wildlife, as well as providing opportunities for outdoor recreation. We offer a variety of programs and initiatives including hunting and fishing, natural resource research, outdoor recreation opportunities, habitat management, parks and recreation areas across the state, education and outreach.
But we also recognize our programs and resources may not be relevant to all our constituents, and we know we have much work to do in order to provide opportunities, resources and access to Nebraska’s diverse communities. We are on a journey to change; we are proud to be making a commitment to ensure Game and Parks is welcoming and inclusive for both our internal staff and our customers and constituency.
Our diversity, equity and inclusion statement
Just as diversity is critical to the resiliency and strength of our native ecosystems, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission knows diversity is critical to our mission and success. We are committed to fostering a diverse workforce and creating an environment that is welcoming and inclusive for our staff and constituents. Our actions and our programs will reflect this culture of belonging and equity for Nebraska’s communities and visitors.
Our constituency
Outdoor recreation and healthy ecosystems are critical for all Nebraskans; therefore the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission affirms our constituency to be Nebraska’s diverse communities and state visitors, including those that celebrate outdoor pursuits, those that appreciate the intrinsic value of the outdoors, and those who have yet to discover the wonders of nature.
Our commitment
We are already working to move our relevancy efforts forward in the following ways:
Relevancy Workgroup
This group, comprised of staff from each of our divisions, meets monthly to learn and discuss ways the Commission can provide a welcoming and inviting culture both internally for our staff and for our customers and constituency.
Education-focused Community Survey
Recognizing we may not be relevant to all Nebraskans, we conducted a survey targeted to those people who do not currently participate, or rarely participate, in Game and Parks education opportunities. The goal of this survey, conducted in 2021, was to better understand our underserved audiences and determine how our education efforts can best serve Nebraska’s diverse communities. We are actively using the information garnered from this survey to improve existing programs and create new education offerings.
Staff training
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is boosting training to ensure our staff is knowledgeable and able to engage Nebraska’s diverse communities in the wonders of nature.
Establish an Advisory Group
This external group consists of representatives from diverse groups across Nebraska. The goal of this group is to provide guidance and strategies to better engage all Nebraskans.
Provide Access
Accessing and enjoying outdoor recreation is something every Nebraskan should have the opportunity to do. Our commitment to this includes installing ADA-compliant fishing piers, sidewalks, playgrounds and restrooms. Additionally, as we develop new projects in our parks areas, we always look to ensure universal access.
Notice of nondiscrimination
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission does not discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation in its programs, activities, or employment. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, facility, or service, should contact the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, NE 402-471-0641, the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission, Lincoln, NE 402-471-2024, TTY/TDD 800-642-6112; Director, Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Interior, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240.
About Nebraska Game & Parks
We’re a family of passionate, innovative professionals who work together to connect people to the natural world and support conservation in Nebraska.