May 11, 2023
Anglers should be cautious when fishing for deep-water walleye
Deep-water walleye anglers should carry and learn how to use deep-water release devices.
Killdeer Lake, located 2½ miles north of Martell in Lancaster County, will be undergoing a dam maintenance project beginning the week of May 8.
The project, which will require the lake to be dewatered, will repair the outlet structure. The project should take about a month, weather pending.
While access in some areas may be blocked intermittently as equipment is moved, public access to the area, including the shooting range, will remain open throughout the project.
In anticipation of the project, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission conducted multiple fish salvage efforts to remove adult bluegill, largemouth bass, black crappie and channel catfish from the lake and relocated them to Wagon Train Lake, east of Hickman.
Future stockings of game fish will occur when the project is complete and the reservoir has refilled with adequate water levels.