Regulated harvest of furbearer species through trapping seasons is an important management tool in Nebraska.
Regulated harvest through trapping seasons is an important management tool needed to control populations and damage that furbearer species can cause. Trapping seasons are typically designed to allow the harvest of furbearers during the fall and winter when the pelts are prime, and they are less likely to have dependent young. Furbearers with a harvest season include: badger, beaver, bobcat, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, red fox, gray fox, striped skunk and long-tailed weasels.
Successful completion of a hunter education course is not required for trapping; however the links below will help teach new trappers the basics.
More information about furbearers can be found on the Furbearer page. For furbearer hunting and trapping season dates, refer to the most recent Small Game & Waterfowl Guide.
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Hunting Permits
Purchase hunting, big game and turkey permits, as well as supertags and combo lotteries.
Season dates
With a broad diversity of species and seasons, hunters in Nebraska can have a busy year. Find our comprehensive list of season dates by species.