Pollinator Week
Celebrate Nebraska's pollinators June 19-25, 2023!
Pollinator Week
Monarchs across North America are disappearing. Pesticide and herbicide use, deforestation of their wintering grounds in Mexico and loss of milkweed in the United States are three important reasons for their decline.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is dedicated to conserving all pollinator species – including monarchs. To advance monarch conservation, we need more quality land management, more in depth research and more education for all citizens.
Nebraska Game and Parks aims to educate Nebraskans about monarchs and milkweed during Pollinator Week June 19-25, 2023.
Take Action
Butterfly survey
There is an urgent need to track monarchs across their range over time to better understand and adjust conservation measures. Thanks to the Wildlife Conservation Fund, a community science project is ongoing to monitor regal fritillaries and monarch butterflies.
Milkweed Tracker
Register your site if:
- you are managing your site for pollinators;
- you have recently restored a grassland that has diverse flowering plants;
- have recently added milkweed or planted a garden to help monarchs and pollinators
Gardening for Monarchs
Monarch gardening is a very easy and rewarding activity and can even be completed in something as small as a flower pot! The recommended size of a monarch garden measures at least 100 square feet. However, plants and flowers can be incorporated into any mini-habitat in your garden, including as border plants along your vegetable gardens.
Related Content
Learn more about the monarch butterfly and the quest to conserve it.