Trail Tales
Trail Tales is a Nebraska-specific magazine produced for Nebraska’s 4th grade classrooms. Across the state, 4th grade students receive four Trail Tales issues each school year – fall, winter, spring, and summer.
Each issue of Trail Tales focuses on Nebraska’s wildlife species, science concepts (food webs, animal adaptations, habitats & ecosystems, etc.) and outdoor sports. In addition, each issue has puzzles, games, and tons of full-color photos. Check-out some popular Trail Tales articles below.
Trail Tales is published by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and Nebraskaland Magazine.
Receiving Trail Tales for your classroom
Any 4th grade teacher in the state of Nebraska is eligible to receive a complimentary year of Trail Tales for each student in his or her classroom. All four issues of Trail Tales are now mailed in the fall at the start of the school year. In addition to the four issues (one for each student), you will also receive a Teacher’s Guide that highlights each article in the four issues and has suggestions for classroom activities to complement each article. The Teacher’s Guide also contains a guide to what’s happening in nature – feel free to make copies of this for each of your students!
If you need more Trail Tales, or would like to change your school’s order, please call 402-471-5475.
Receiving Trail Tales at home
Not a 4th grade student or teacher, but still interested in getting quarterly issues of Trail Tales?
Please contact our mail room at 402-471-5475.
Contact us
For general information about Trail Tales, please email Monica Macoubrie.
To check on your school’s Trail Tales order, please call 402-471-5475.